Does how I breathe really matter?!

Book a call Does how I breathe really matter?! First of all, there is no ‘wrong’ way to breathe. If you’re alive, you’re breathing pretty well 😄 But: no matter how healthy your diet is, how well you exercise, sleep … Read More

Morning Routine for high performance

Book a call Morning Routine for high performance Having a morning routine that sets you up for success is one of the most powerful ways to kickstart your performance on a daily basis.  If your usual morning looks something like: … Read More


HRV as a biofeedback tool

What is heart rate variability (HRV)? When we think of our heart rate, we think of a number that reflects the beats per minute (BPM). This number actually represents our average heart rate.  In reality, our heart rate changes from … Read More

Deliberate practice

When you train your horse, do you have a strategy in mind for your ride? What goals do you set out to accomplish? Or do you just get on and see where you end up? You can ride the same … Read More